Welcome :)

If you’re looking for a short story to read, tips on writing fiction, or want to learn more about me and my books, you’re in the right place.

Subscribe to my site for stories and poetry to consume on your bus commute or while waiting in line at the bank; and for tidbits about my life as a writer in South Korea, reflections on the artistic life, and my tips on becoming a writer.… Read the rest >>> “Welcome :)”

Blue Satin

He was made of blue satin –

of synthesized elements like alchemy –

like magic –

golden strands of wisdom weaved into silver masculinity, 

powder blue dreams amongst navy depths.

The fabric of his being 

shimmered in sunlight,

sparking the temptation to reach out and touch him –

to feel his tapered edges, 

his smooth serenity, 

his sultry sheen.

He was luxurious; 

a man woven from trials and tribulations,

from desires and determination, 

reflecting moonlight as he climbed ivory stairs towards heaven.… Read the rest >>> “Blue Satin”

Common Mistakes When Writing Flashbacks

How do you write a gripping flashback?

A flashback is when the author shows an event or situation that happened in the past, outside the timeline of the current story.

Are they necessary? Not always. In fact, I would argue that they’re not necessary at all; however, there are certain genres where the reader expects them. Romance novels offer the most flashbacks, as romance novels have a slower pace and are often focused on human relationships and intimacy.… Read the rest >>> “Common Mistakes When Writing Flashbacks”


The toil was never ending. 

Cursed by the necessity of life, I watched him split the forest, each tree an enemy to his peace. Sweat drenched his forehead, pouring down his neck with his fears, dripping to his feet like tears. 

But when night fell, the wood he had split turned to fire, lighting the world between us, warding off the chill of darkness. In the mix of darkness and light, in the chill of night and the heat of fire, he was still enough to dream, to desire.… Read the rest >>> “Wounded”

The Difference Between a Beginning Writer and an Advanced Writer

What is the difference between a beginning writer and an advanced writer?

Is it long hours of writing practice? Years of learning and improving the craft? Absolutely. And of course.

But where in those hours and years of studying, practicing, and improving is the end of the beginner level and the beginning of the advanced level? How do you know if you’re even in the same plane as advanced writers?… Read the rest >>> “The Difference Between a Beginning Writer and an Advanced Writer”


He was part of my skin,

extended over my body

underneath me like hardened

soil that I kneeled on to pray.


And he was an extension of my soul,

filling up every golden inch

of my heart, head, and lungs;

the human form of 

my blood, thoughts, and breath.


In his eyes were the dusk,

the darkened side of the sun, 

stretching over the curves of his lips

and sharp angles in his jaw. … Read the rest >>> “Extended”

Cures for Writer’s Block (Writing 101)

If one more person tells me to take a walk to cure writer’s block, I will proceed to strip naked in the middle of the street until the cops find me and drag me off to jail, because I can’t think of any other way that a walk would put a strong enough spark in my spirit to write something new.

While the oxygen a walk produces is necessary for the brain to function, think logically, and be creative, a short walk is not going to suddenly fix creative problems.… Read the rest >>> “Cures for Writer’s Block (Writing 101)”

The Potted Plant (Short Story)

The flowers were the first thing she saw.

They were sitting out on the cobblestone street, still in plastic planters, next to the cafe door. There was no obvious place for them to go. Were they just going to sit in the planters on the street? Or was there a yard nearby where they would be planted?

“Regular milk or soy?” the barista asked.

Jarred from her thoughts, Vanda turned her head away from the flowers to answer. … Read the rest >>> “The Potted Plant (Short Story)”

How to Create Unique Character Voices in Fiction (Writing 101)

Characters make a story. While plot has importance, it will never overshadow the importance of strong, complex characters that audiences feel connected to. 

One of the most important elements in character development is the character voice. This is how your character expresses themselves through dialogue. It’s how your character speaks. 

But character voice is more than just word choice. It’s the style and expressions your characters use while speaking.… Read the rest >>> “How to Create Unique Character Voices in Fiction (Writing 101)”

Where Can I Find Romantic Story Ideas? (Writing 101)

The first step is to admit that you are a lover of romance. If you can’t admit that, then you probably will always struggle for writing ideas, because you’re going to limit yourself before you can even put words on paper. 

Once you admit that you are a romance admirer, look at where you like to get your romantic fix. Do you love reading romance novels?… Read the rest >>> “Where Can I Find Romantic Story Ideas? (Writing 101)”