The Longest Summer (Poem)

I wanted to kiss him in dreams once again, to feel him hesitate before tasting, the pressure of his lips equaling the pressure of him on my heart.

I wanted to hear him laugh once again, his smile hidden behind his hand, both as a boy and as a man, his happiness erasing all the tears I had cried the night before. 

And I wanted him to sit across dark cafe tables from me again, with wide eyes and wild stories; for him to walk me to the crosswalk as the sun hit the scars on his knees; to laugh in ways I had long forgotten and had long been jealous of; to feel like myself for the first time in a place I could never call home.… Read the rest >>> “The Longest Summer (Poem)”

Imposter Syndrome and the Fear of Failure (Reflection)

I’ve had readers in the past ask questions in relation to impostor syndrome and the fear of failure, and I’ve always hesitated on speaking on it. There’s a good reason for it – and this is the douchey-ish thing ever – but the reason I don’t talk about them is because I don’t have either one.

Imposter syndrome is usually rooted in the fear of incompetence.… Read the rest >>> “Imposter Syndrome and the Fear of Failure (Reflection)”

Welcome :)

If you’re looking for a short story to read, tips on writing your own fiction, or want to learn more about me and my books, you’re in the right place. Subscribe to my site for stories and poetry to consume on your bus commute or while waiting in line at the bank; and for tidbits about my life as a writer in South Korea, reflections on the artistic life, and my tips on writing your own fiction.… Read the rest >>> “Welcome :)”

Winter (thoughts)

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus

There’s nothing I love in winter. It demands too much and cares too little.

It snowed heavily in Seoul yesterday. For the first part of my day, this was of little inconvenience. I woke up near noon, poured myself an iced mocha despite the chill, and finished Haruki Murakami’s book, Men Without Women. I… Read the rest >>> “Winter (thoughts)”