The Longest Summer (Poem)

I wanted to kiss him in dreams once again, to feel him hesitate before tasting, the pressure of his lips equaling the pressure of him on my heart.

I wanted to hear him laugh once again, his smile hidden behind his hand, both as a boy and as a man, his happiness erasing all the tears I had cried the night before. 

And I wanted him to sit across dark cafe tables from me again, with wide eyes and wild stories; for him to walk me to the crosswalk as the sun hit the scars on his knees; to laugh in ways I had long forgotten and had long been jealous of; to feel like myself for the first time in a place I could never call home.… Read the rest >>> “The Longest Summer (Poem)”

Mercy (poem)

There was no mercy for the weary.

There were nights I begged for you. Nights where the nightmare of reality stole all my dreams, to the point where hope felt like a luxury brand only affordable by the highest classes of society. I held tight to worn-out blankets wrapped around my shoulders as pain leaked in through the windows; the cold bite of winter informing me that summer was just a passing season. … Read the rest >>> “Mercy (poem)”

I Wanted Him (poem)

I wanted him to miss me in those empty spaces,

in those downbeats,

in those deep breaths

between the present, past, and future.

And I wanted him to see my soul

in cracks and curtains,

in small spaces where light seeped in,

and in heavy awnings

hovering over his thoughts.

And I wanted him to whisper to me

over his morning and evening coffee,

both a conversation and a prayer,

his lips and heart coming together

passing through multiple dimensions

to speak to me.… Read the rest >>> “I Wanted Him (poem)”

Irreparable (poem)

I miss the way you once were, the way you spoke, the cadence of your words when you didn’t want the world to hear us. I miss your deep inflections, paired with slow reflections; the way your intonation rose and fell with my breath and self-control.

I was called a fool for loving you. And I was.

And I am.

In my hopeless defense, your words were full; carefully crafted in unwoven silk and raw honesty.… Read the rest >>> “Irreparable (poem)”

Sweet (poem)

I sacrificed mundane possibilities for the grandiose fantasy you gave me. I could no longer sit in contentment when thinking of a normal daily life: a life of avoiding alarm clocks, selling off eight to ten pieces of my day for magic beans, and coming home to wash my hands and feet of it while I aged slowly in the mirror.

No, you added sugar to each dream, making it impossibly sweet and addicting.… Read the rest >>> “Sweet (poem)”

Insomnia (poem)

You were my favorite form of insomnia.

Surrounded by darkness, I kept my eyes open, wondering how many stars would fall from the sky before you were laying next to me. I imagined your lips… how they might speak and tease when no one was watching; their ratio of sugar and salt while expressing desire in primordial ways. I imagined them accompanied by the coarse curiosity of your hands, positive they could conjure magic if I could only get close enough. … Read the rest >>> “Insomnia (poem)”

Sharp Eyes (poem)

I had never seen such sharp eyes.

They curved like glass around your eyelashes, reflecting the light and shadows; holding both, and yet somehow, accepting neither.

The whites were a strong contrast to the haunted demons in your irises, stories of good and evil within yourself cloaked in mystery when you dropped your eyelids.

I saw heat when you stared at me, and I wanted to feel it.… Read the rest >>> “Sharp Eyes (poem)”

Lanterns (poem)

There were lanterns. 

Tiny wisps of fire, 

surrounded by thin, fragile paper,

barely holding on,

dangerously licking the edges,

tempted to go up in flames completely.

These wisps were unseen

by the naked eye…

only because they did not wish to be naked

or to see the naked; 

the temptation for what it was,

the edges for what they were,

the reality of the thin, fragile paper;

the wisps of fire

that could one day

become a monster.… Read the rest >>> “Lanterns (poem)”