
He was part of my skin,

extended over my body

underneath me like hardened

soil that I kneeled on to pray.


And he was an extension of my soul,

filling up every golden inch

of my heart, head, and lungs;

the human form of 

my blood, thoughts, and breath.


In his eyes were the dusk,

the darkened side of the sun, 

stretching over the curves of his lips

and sharp angles in his jaw. 

I traced his shadows with my tongue,

wanting to taste the deepest parts

of his soul that were intertwined with my own.


In his breath was moonlight,

a reflection of the sun,

the burning part of his lungs

mixed with the cool ache of

galaxies untouched.

And when his breath met mine,

I felt the stars in the back of my throat,

His lips the space 

created for my heart to soar

and for my soul to land. 


He extended through me,

around me, and against me;

the elements of the universe

I called home;

the particles of my being

that created everything I was.



