Deciding Your Goals as a Writer (Writing 101)

What is the main reason you write? 

It’s important to know the answer to this. Too often, we get distracted by sales numbers, awards, reputation, and comparisons, and we start to become obsessed with those insignificant details, losing our focus on the craft itself. 

So we have to remember why we write.

Grab some pen and paper and let’s answer some questions. Make sure to write out your answers, so you can get a full view of your goals as a writer. Read the rest >>> “Deciding Your Goals as a Writer (Writing 101)”

1 Sentence 6 Ways: Light Switch (Writing 101)

Let’s play with style. 

In my previous One Sentence post, I showed you how to play with punctuation in order to change the feeling of a sentence. This time, I’m going to be playing with different sentence lengths and style choices to show you how it affects the feeling of a sentence.

Here’s today’s example sentence:

He fumbled in the darkness looking for the light switch, but when he finally found it there was someone already in the room. Read the rest >>> “1 Sentence 6 Ways: Light Switch (Writing 101)”

Writing as Therapy: Imaginary Conversations (Writing 101)


Human beings are complex animals that have the gift – and the curse – of multilevel consciousness. We have our immediate consciousness, which processes everything in the moment; and on top of that, we have the subconscious and the unconscious, processing things that we’re not even aware we’re processing. 

Our brain is constantly processing these different levels of consciousness at the same time, and regardless of our maturity and wisdom, it’s impossible to process everything all at once.… Read the rest >>> “Writing as Therapy: Imaginary Conversations (Writing 101)”

Imposter Syndrome and the Fear of Failure (Reflection)

I’ve had readers in the past ask questions in relation to impostor syndrome and the fear of failure, and I’ve always hesitated on speaking on it. There’s a good reason for it – and this is the douchey-ish thing ever – but the reason I don’t talk about them is because I don’t have either one.

Imposter syndrome is usually rooted in the fear of incompetence.… Read the rest >>> “Imposter Syndrome and the Fear of Failure (Reflection)”

Winter (thoughts)

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus

There’s nothing I love in winter. It demands too much and cares too little.

It snowed heavily in Seoul yesterday. For the first part of my day, this was of little inconvenience. I woke up near noon, poured myself an iced mocha despite the chill, and finished Haruki Murakami’s book, Men Without Women. I… Read the rest >>> “Winter (thoughts)”