Unknown (Poetry)

You asked me to love you,

to let you into the crevices of my tangled soul,

to know your heart and mind as you lent them to me.

And so I knew you

I cherished you,

filled myself with you until

they asked me who I was

and I gave them your name.

In this, I had made two great errors.

One, to let go of myself so easily.

You never asked me to do such a thing,

but nevertheless,

I emptied myself of me

so I could have more space for you.

You were – and are – beautiful.

There was no mistake in knowing it.

But in worshiping your beauty

I lost my own –

I lost how God had sculpted and formed me,

the design I was created with,

the art I was meant to paint

with my own colors.

You did not take my colors from me, I know.

You didn’t deplete my beauty, no.

I was just so filled with you

that I abandoned myself;

I abandoned another creature –

the one in the mirror –

the one God had also created for His glory.

And my second error –

an all too human one at that –

was that I had become so in love with you,

so full of you,

so blinded by my worship of you,

that I forgot to ask you

to love me in return.

I forgot to ask you to find your own obsession

with my divinity,

to fill your own tangled soul

with me

as I had done with you.

And in return for my first error,

there was no beauty in me as I loved you.

And in return for the second,

I was left unknown.



