The Difference Between a Beginning Writer and an Advanced Writer

What is the difference between a beginning writer and an advanced writer?

Is it long hours of writing practice? Years of learning and improving the craft? Absolutely. And of course.

But where in those hours and years of studying, practicing, and improving is the end of the beginner level and the beginning of the advanced level? How do you know if you’re even in the same plane as advanced writers?… Read the rest >>> “The Difference Between a Beginning Writer and an Advanced Writer”

1 Sentence 8 Ways: Answer (Writing 101)

How should you organize sentences for the greatest emotional impact? Let’s take a look at a dramatic sentence and rewrite it in a few ways in order to change the impact it has on the reader.

SAMPLE SENTENCE: All she wanted was the answer, but she had no idea how much she would hate it.


  1. All she wanted was the answer. She had no idea how much she would hate it.
Read the rest >>> “1 Sentence 8 Ways: Answer (Writing 101)”

1 Sentence 6 Ways: Light Switch (Writing 101)

Let’s play with style. 

In my previous One Sentence post, I showed you how to play with punctuation in order to change the feeling of a sentence. This time, I’m going to be playing with different sentence lengths and style choices to show you how it affects the feeling of a sentence.

Here’s today’s example sentence:

He fumbled in the darkness looking for the light switch, but when he finally found it there was someone already in the room. Read the rest >>> “1 Sentence 6 Ways: Light Switch (Writing 101)”

1 Sentence 7 Ways: The Weather is Not Trivial (writing help)

How you construct your sentences – word order, sentence structure, punctuation, etc – changes the mood, translation, and reading of your sentence. These details are incredibly important for both communication and style.

I’ve talked about the importance of punctuation in my youtube video, How to Write a Sentence: Punctuation, and how it affects the style and reading of the sentence. I want to go over that a bit more by taking a sentence and writing it in a few different ways.… Read the rest >>> “1 Sentence 7 Ways: The Weather is Not Trivial (writing help)”